Charles Lloyd: Arrows Into Infinity

This documentary by Dorothy Darr and Jeffery Morse is a palpable labor of love into not only the career, but the music and spiritual mindset of the legendary Charles Lloyd. Mixed with interviews ranging from musicans like Herbie Hancock, Buddy Collette, Jason Moran and Jack DeJohnnette to Stanley Crouch, Manfred Eicher and Michael Cuscuna, you get clips of Lloyd performing in all phases of his career, including amazing work of him with Cannonball Adderley’s sextet. Intriguing footage of Lloyd with his quartet with Jarrett, DeJohnette and McBee as well as a duo between Lloyd and DeJohnette are fascinating vignettes that are interspersed between Lloyd’s own moments describing his growing up, early career and spiritual/life resurgence. His heart and soul on his sleeve, and approachability during the interviews perfectly reflects his approach to his horns. You’ll come away from this important film feeling glad you got to know a guy who is out to make the world a little better. Inspiring to see a man following a spiritual pilgrimage through music to reach and reflect a perfect peace.


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