Dervish: Thrush in the Storm

If you like your Irish music sounding like you just walked into a pub, then you’ll want to order a Guinness when you hear the band Dervish. Made up of Cathy Jordan’s breathtaking vocals and instrumental support by Liam Kelly, Shane Mitchell, Tom Morrow, Brian Mc Donagh and Michael Holmes, the band produces instrumentals with some feisty fiddle and mandolin work on “Maggie’s Lilt” while the flutes and jigging fiddle on “The Green Crowned Lass” will get you on the floor in no time. Jordan’s luminous vocals fill the room on “Baba Chondraoi,” but she can also get a twinkle in her eye as she swings her  Shillelagh on “Snoring Biddy.” An energetic band with enough charm to make even St. Patrick do a dance or two!

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